Hello! I am María José, an electronic engineer with experience in computer-aided design (CAD), PCB development, electronic assemblies, design and programming of embedded systems based on microcontrollers, and management of 3D printers. Interested in areas of robotics and automation. I also received my Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics from Universidad de Ibagué, Colombia, in 2025. Have a look at some of my projects below!
See Resume- Python
- Arduino
- ESP-32
- Computer Vision
- 3D Design
- Embedded systems
- PCB Design
Game Body

The developed system uses the Python programming language together with the MediaPipe and OpenCV libraries to detect and process body and hand movements, turning them into keyboard commands. This allows the user to control classic video games, such as Super Mario Bros, Street Fighter, Megaman, and others, through body gestures.
- Python
- Media Pipe
- OpenCV
- Video Games
- Computer vision
Eyes on drive

A remote control system for a mobile robot was designed and implemented, based on the acquisition and processing of EOG (electrooculography) signals with microcontrollers (ESP-32 and ESP-32 CAM).
- ESP-32
- ESP-32 CAM
- Python
Serial robot type SCARA for pick and place applications

The project focused on the characterization, design, prototyping, and validation of a SCARA (Selective Compliant Assembly Robot Arm) serial robot for pick-and-place applications. This prototype has a control system based on microcontrollers (Arduino) and a graphical interface.
- Arduino
- Robotics
- Python
- Qt designer
- PyQt5
- Matlab